
School of Postgraduate Studies

Federal University Dutse

Application Portal

Welcome to FUD School of Postgraduate Studies application Portal

Screening and clearance for the 2022/2023 academic session for admitted PG students commences on the 15th of January 2024 for a period of 2 weeks.

Application Steps:
  1. If you already have an existing account on the platform, log in using your registered email and password. If you are new and don't have an account, click on the "Sign Up Now" option to create a new account. During the account creation process, provide a valid email and password. Once your account is created, log in using the registered email and password.
  2. Upon successful login, you will be redirected to your application dashboard, which serves as the main hub for your application process.
  3. From the application dashboard, locate and click on the "Apply Now" menu, which should be accessible through the side navigation on the right side of the page.
  4. You will be directed to the "Apply Now" page, where you need to select the specific program you wish to apply for. After making your selection, a confirmation text will be displayed, indicating the appropriate application fee for the chosen program. Review the information and ensure it is correct. Once you are sure of your choice, click on the "Proceed to Payment" option to continue with your application.
  5. On the payment page, you will be presented with a Remita Reference (RRR) number. You have two payment options:
    1. Pay with Bank: Visit any designated bank and provide the RRR to make the payment.
    2. Pay with Card: If you prefer paying online, select this option and provide the required card details to complete the payment on the portal.
  6. After a successful payment, log in again to your application dashboard. Once inside, locate and click on the option to print your Application Payment Receipt. This document serves as proof of your payment. After printing the receipt, proceed to complete the remaining steps of your application.
  7. The subsequent steps may include providing information about your O'level and A'level qualifications, adding any relevant publications, and uploading necessary documents. Make sure to complete each step accurately and thoroughly.
  8. Double-check all the information you have provided before proceeding to the next step. Once you are confident that everything is accurate, submit your application.
  9. Finally, ensure you print your Application Acknowledgement Slip. This slip will serve as confirmation that your application has been successfully submitted.
  10. Please, ensure the academic transcript from your previous institution is forwaded to pgtranscript@fud.edu.ng
  11. For any enquiry, please send an email to pghelp@fud.edu.ng or call 08033547414 or 08062654815
Keep track of any further communication from the university regarding your application status. Good luck with your application!


Don't have an account? Sign Up Now.

For any enquiry, please send an email to pghelp@fud.edu.ng or call 08033547414 or 08062654815